Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Maoists, a menace or sincere outfit ??

Maoists strike again after their offer for a 72 day truce is placed before the govt.


Are they really sincere about peace or are they buying time to regroup and attack with greater force ..?? Hawe they been cornered ?

Why the Maoists are getting public support ? Does it speak about the efficacy of our social benefits scheme and the low percentage of benefits and spending reaching the poor, tribals and downtrodden in society ..

The govt needs to seriously think why this is happening in the first place.. Why did the Maoist movement fail to take off in Kerala ? The social security system needs to be leak proof and fault proof..

Hard work for the govt in the coming days ..


1 comment:

  1. >> Why the Maoists are getting public support ? Does it speak about
    >> the efficacy of our social benefits scheme and the low percentage
    >> of benefits and spending reaching the poor, tribals and downtrodden
    >> in society ..

    The answer to these questions are critical. Most of these movements start out as people's movements. Movements started by and in support of people who have been given the short shrift by society at large that has gone on its merry way with scant regard for those left behind. A social security system that simply doles out capital (whatever little of it at that) is not helpful. The most successful social security systems in the world are those that provide, not just money, but provide services that enable people to get back into the workforce or sustain themselves (you know, the Biblical adage of not just giving people fish but teaching them to fish).

    And that is the difference between the social security systems in Europe, primarily Scandinavia, and America. The American system used to be good, but religious conservatives have used moral indignation and other sentiments to whittle down those benefits. So much for religious people and now you know why I am skeptical of religion and religious people. In effect they are turning America into a third world country.

    Rajan Karunakaran
    ¤ Evil thrives when good people do nothing!
    ¤ Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities. -- Mark Twain
    ¤ Faith is just a license religious people give themselves to keep believing when reasons fail.
    ¤ When I feed the poor, they call me a saint; when I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist - Dom Helder Camara, a South American priest
    ¤ When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion. - Robert Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)


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