One fact which I cherish and which was one of the top points of CET was the IBM mainframe in the campus when we joined the course ( as per my knowledge only Anna Uty, Kerala Uty and IISc Bangalore had mainframes in the campus then, not even IIT Chennai). PV Ramachandra Menon sir who took computer programming for us made us work on the old type writer data input terminals in the computer centre working in FORTRAN programs on punched cards. I also remember how after giving a set of punched cards we used to go to class or the canteen , coming after an hour or so to get the output.
When we were about to leave the college in March 1986 or so, the first desktop machine came to the computer dept and we were allowed to just have a glimpse of what desktop machines were then !
The experience on mainframes has given so much confidence in IT and related areas for us from CET that we are good as any computer science engineer on IT subjects .. With a little effort, understanding IT topics is smooth sailing for us ..
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