Wednesday, December 23, 2015

E Sridharanji ..

Even after going on retirement from GoI at age of 79, United Nations took our own METRO MAN, at age 82 as Advsor for Sustainable Transport for another 3 yrs. 

An Indian to be honoured by the international Time mag, as one of Asia's heroes and with the Technocrat of the year award in 2003.

Already a Padma Vibhushan awardee, Bharat Ratna is the next big award waiting for him ...

Some of my earlier writings / links..

1. The Metro man .. 

2. Article in The Hindu .. 

3. On the UN - HLAG-ST 

We, the proud citizens of the country, who are so fortunate to have such a great project Manager in the country and who has worked tirelessly for building superlative mass transportation projects in the countrty. From Kolkata Matro, Konkan Railway and Delhi Metro for the country, surprising even the defence establishment with the reconstruction of the Pamban bridge in 45 days in 1964, after a devastating cyclone hit and destroyed the Pamban bridge connecting mainland India and the island of Rameshwaram in the Soutern tip of India (though the defence establishment wanted the devastated bridge to be commissioned back in 6 months time) are some of the greatest honours to his credit. 

He worked without fear or favour and with utmost dedication to the country, wish to place this demand to the Union Government and the cabinet to consider E Sridharanji to the award of the country's top civilian honour Bharata Ratna. 


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