Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Selco solar power, Dr Harish Hande ..

Story of SELCO is the story of Dr. Harish Hande ..

How a committed social entrepreneur is changing the energy scenario in the country by his untiring work to remove darkness and bring light to millions of Indians in rural Karnataka. Gururaj Deshpande in his podcast to Chicago Booth School of Business talks of Energy and Life Sciences being the sunshine sectors of the coming century .. Dr Gururaj's a123systems is an example of this..

400 million homes in India do not have access to electricity, but have abundant solar power during day time. Watch this video on Selco solar company working with the India rural poor in Kernataka ..

Ashden award

The story of Dr Harish Hande, IIT KGP alumnus and UMass PhD .. the power behind Selco ..

Yale School of Management case study .. on Selco ..

Forbes India article on SELCO ..

Dr Hande and Selco has just covered 50,000 homes in 12 years in Karnataka and almost 1.2 lakh homes in the country ..

No wonder Dr Hande has already featured in Reshmi Bansal's "I have a Dream", story of top 20 social entrepreneurs in the country and also in IIT Kharagpur's top 25 entrepreneurs since its inception.

There are potentially 400 million homes waiting to experience this.. The potential is limitless. There is scope for at least 1000 more entrepreneurs like Dr Hande .. Any entrepreneurs out there to take the challenge ??


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