Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some words from Santosh Bharamshetty on late Prof Amonkar ..

Santosh was a quiet boy, very respectful and serious with his studies in Goa Engineering College. I found him to be a student who was ever willing and ready to take on new challenges and new knowledge in the Engineering domain. What immediately brought me to interact with him during his college days at Goa Engineering college was his fond affinity for Free and Open source software.

When we used to organise small get-to-gethers of the free and open source software (FOSS) community ( Goa engg college linux user group - GEC - LUG) he used to be an active volunteer and help in arranging the demo of interesting free and open source software, engineering related like QCAD, productivty and publishing related like Open Office, LaTeX etc.., help in organising install-fests on student laptops, free 24 hour demos in the studen thostel and so on.

Later on with the activities of thee Nature Club of GEC of which Santosh was a strong member, we had many treks to different locations in goa, scenic, at least five of them over two years and we enjoyed those treks very much. It also made our friendship grow stronger and long lasting.

Some students create such a lasting impression in college that they do not go out of your minds for many years .. Santosh is one of those students.. Lot of fond happy memories ..


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sir, I am very much humbled by reading this post dedicated to me.

    Respect for you sir, always. Thank you very much :)


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