Monday, September 07, 2015

ASQ Leadership lecture Series.. Prof Manu Vora ..

As part of the American Society of Quality (ASQ) Leadership Lecture Series, Prof Manu Vora from ASQ US would be delivering a series of 12 talks from US which will also be simultaneously attended by students from Alliance University Bangalore and 8 other Institutes and Universities a
across India over Google Hangout ..

Speaker : Prof. Manu Vora, Advisor, ASQ India 

Topic :   ASQ Leadership Lecture Series, Talk #1

                Date :    Friday, 11 Sept 2015
               Time :    9 AM to 10.10 AM (IST)

Venue :  First floor Seminar Hall, Learning Centre,  Central Campus, Alliance University, Bangalore.

Some links for additional info :


This is some additional information regarding Prof. Manu Vora.
Manu K. Vora, Ph.D., MBA, ASQ Fellow, ASQ CQE

IIT (BHU), B. Tech. (Honors), Chemical Engineering, 1968
Chairman and President, Business Excellence, Inc., USA
Advisor of Eminence, Business Excellence, ASQ India, New Delhi

2015 ASQ Ishikawa Medalist (Human Side of Quality)
2015 Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow Medalist (Service to Blind in India)
2014 APQO Harrington/Ishikawa Medalist (Asia Pacific Quality Service)
2013 ASQ Hutchens Medalist (Social Responsibility)
2012 Illinois Institute of Technology Alumni Medalist (Global Contributions)
2011 Ellis Island Medal of Honor Recipient (Community Service)
2010 US President's Call to Service Honoree (Lifetime Volunteer Service)
2010 ASQ Distinguished Service Medalist (Lifetime ASQ Service)
2005 ASQ Lancaster Medalist (International Quality Contributions)
2001 ASQ Grant Medalist (Quality Education)
2000 Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow Medalist (Service to Blind in India)

Adjunct Faculty, School of Professional Studies, Northwestern University, USA
Visiting Faculty, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India

ASQ Influential Voices Blog:

Blind Foundation for India:
Gift of Knowledge Transfer Leveraging Technology:

4-07-2013 TEDxIITBHU SR Talk:
4-13-2013 TEDxIIT Chicago BFI Talk:

5-11-2011 Ellis Island Medal YouTube:
4-13-2012 IIT Chicago Medal YouTube:
Pl go thru the links provided above and let us benefit from the great experience of Prof Manu Vora.


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