Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Metro man E Sridharan

Dr E Sridharan ..  Level 5 Leadership, no doubt ..
No words are enough for the great project contributions of this person, now at the age of 82 and still going great guns and bubbling with energy ...

Till 79 years E Sridharanji IES was with the Indian Govt. The first person in the history of the country to be given extension of 19 long years..

Presently at age 82, he is appointed by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon as advisor to United Nations on "Sustainable Transport" for three years.

If anybody lives, it should be this way !!

Right from age 29, when he stunned the Indian Defence establishment by building the strong Pamban bridge in 29 days when the defence establishment thought it would take 6 months, to Kolkata metro, Konkan Railway and then the world-class Delhi Metro, he is an Institution of Project Management excellence ..

The Sree way of life .. Read this article 

Why Sridharan is much above the Bharat Ratna ..

Youtube video on Sreedharan ..

Walk the Talk with Sridharan ..

Lecture at IIT Madras 2015 ..

Surely, a Bharat Ratna awaits you Sir !!


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