Sunday, October 04, 2015

Future of education, especially higher education ..

These were the few points explained by the Chancellor of Alliance university Bangalore Prof. Dr. Madhukar Angur when he was addressing the 27 th batch of E-PGDM students at the inauguration in Alliance University central campus on 3 rd Oct 2015. There were total 150 students in attendance for the inaugural function in AU central campus at Anekal, Bangalore out of the total 303 students who have joined for the E-PGDM batch this Sept - Oct, '15.

During Chancellor's talk, I found some points were eye catching..

40% of the top economic entities of the world are not countries, they are corporations.

Of the 17,500 Universities of the world about 4820, ie. 35% are in the United States. That is the reason why US is able to keep a tight hold on higher education and research all over the world. US higher education happens to be the most sought after in the world.

There are great challenges to the administrators of the country and the politicians for increasing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) for higher education from the present 19% in India. Global GER is about 26% and GER in US is 80%.  It also offers great opportunities for educational entrepreneurs and institutions ..

A person doing higher learning is interested in pursuing it with a definite purpose in mind. The higher levels of thinking which should be facilitated by higher learning are
    1. cognition
    2. affection and
    3. experience

 The education being imparted presently should ensure that an executive should be able to
    a. think globally and incorporate globalization in his thoughts and actions
    b. practice and promote social responsibility and ethics
    c. understand the human capital challenge 
    d. provide excellent leadership to the organisation
    e. experience integrated learning, the 3 Is of learning, Individualised learning, Interactive learning and Integrative learning (how one branch of learning can be integrated with another branch of learning)
    f. Innovation and entrepreneurship

Employability has moved just from scoring marks and getting knowledge. Employers are not just interested in understanding how much knowledge the candidate has. Their search in the right candidates goes beyond the tangible measures. Employability in these days is directly related to
    1. subject matter expertise
    2. rationalising skills
    3. self-efficacy
    4. meta cognition

The two questions employers/institutes of higher education ask candidates after an interview are (to check self efficacy and meta cognition)
    1. tell us something of what you have done well
    2. tell us something what you could have done better
    3. what you missed in the interview that you could have mentioned ( to be responded to within 24 hrs after the interview)

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