Thursday, October 29, 2015

Qualities of a Level 5 leader ..

Level 5 Leaders have these following qualities..

Level 1 - possess the knowledge and skills to do the job

Level 2 - motivate the team with their knowledge to DELIVER

Level 3 - competent managers who organise their team to achieve specific objectives

Level 4 - effective leaders who galvanises others to achieve their vision

Level 5 - goes beyond most leaders and helps their organisations become out-of-ordinary enterprises through personal humility and professional will.

Can I become a Level 5 Leader ?

Yes, by following the following principles, one can become a Level 5 leader.

1. by giving credit to others when they perform and take responsibility and action when they dont
2. asking for help when one needs it, asking for help is no show of weakness ..
3. have discipline in doing work
4. spend time to find right people and develop them to the fullest potential
5. be passionate about the job

Interview of Jim Collins : 

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