Tuesday, August 25, 2015

20 interesting Facebook stats .. ( as of '14 - '15)

Latest interesting statistics on Facebook, the most widely used application on the Internet

1. There are 1.49 billion users on FB

      2.  300 petabytes of FB data are stored 

3. 30% of FB subscribers are graduates

      4. 42% of FB subscribers are males

5. There are102 million FB users from India

      6. Average FB user has 245 friends

7. Average of 1500 posts are likely to appear in FB user's page daily

      8. 400 billion photographs have been uploaded on FB so far

9. 400 million photos are uploaded on FB each day

      10. 45 billion FB messages are sent daily

11. An average FB user spends 8.3 hrs / month 

      12. 2,43,000 photos are added on FB every min

13. 150,000 messages are sent on FB every minute

      14. Avg time spent by a user on FB / visit 23 minutes

15. Global economic impact of FB in '14 $227 billion

      16. FB daily data is 600 TB

17. Wall Street's estimated value of each FB user is $128

      18. FB is available in 88 languages now

19. FB needs 9.9 million lines of code for its operation

      20. FB mobile users spend an average of 14.3 hrs / month

Courtesy www.expandedramblings.com (Aug 25, '15)

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