Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Beer Game blog links..

I have been playing the Beer Distribution Game for the past eight years starting from IIT Bombay with Prof. Narayan Rangaraj around 1998 and later on at many Institutes, including the many batches of the country's largest SCM managers who come for training at the Armed Supply Corps(ASC) HQ College in Bangalore India for about three years now.

These are links to blogs I have written over the years after playing the Beer Distribution game to understand the distribution side dynamics in a supply chain. 

Pl feel free to go thru the links and get loads of learning. Click here for the scoring sheet ..

Thanks to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT at Boston (Prof. J. Forrester, Industrial Dynamics) for developing and popularising this game in the late 50s and later in early 70s..

Here is an MIT Technology Review write-up of how the Beer Game is played and analysed at MIT ..

1. link 1

2. link 2

3. link 3

4. link 4

5. link 5

6. link 6


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