Monday, August 17, 2015

Dissociating healthcare from affluence ..

"How long can we afford a price tag on human lives ?" Very very moving talk from the world's greatest cardiac surgeon, most compassionate and lowest-cost, the one and only Dr. Devi Shetty of  Narayanan Hrudayalaya, Bangalore, India at TEDx, NCPA, Mumbai, 2013.

Dr Devi Shetty talking of one country directly managed by God in this world.

Watch "It's not a solution if it's not affordable : Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty at TEDxGateway 2013" on YouTube -

Incomparabilis, hors concours ..

Even to this day, the names Narayana Hrudayalaya and Dr Devi Shetty find frequent mention in the classrooms at Harvard Business School ..

Dr Shetty never ceases to surprise the world. He presently offers the world's best cardiac surgeries at INR 75,000/- each in his hospital. His next objective in life is to offer world's best quality cardiac surgeries at INR 40,000/-.

Is the world listening ??

George ..

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