Thursday, August 27, 2015

What makes Google special ?

 Google is a dream organisation for most of us. What makes Google so special ?

 Is it that Google has made our lives very easy, be it search or mail or youtube videos..

We had an excellent discussion today on the Google case in class this morning.

Though Google is more known for its excellent employee policies, creative, innovative work environment, it is also a company which believes in growing at a fast pace. Almost 182 inorganic acquisitions till date.

The discussion in the class was based on these questions which we came across in the case. 

1. How does Google ensure these inorganic acquisitions add value to the Google brand ?

2. How is Google IT infrastructure keeping pace with its customer expectations and demand ?

3. What are Google IT policies to maintain costs low ?

4. How does Google intend to automate the system admin function ?

5. Google tries for very high reliability (5 nines) 99.999 %. How and why not 6 nines ?

6. As services grow, how does Google manage to keep its costs sub-linear. ?

7. How does Google ensure it gets the smartest people to work for it ?

8. How does Google ensure its employees share and discuss ideas ?

9. Mention about Employee equality inside Google.

10. Why is minimal distraction important in Google environment ?

11. How are Nooglers trained to understand the Google culture ?

12. How does Google move forward and "fast" with technology ?

13. Why does Google maintain a flat non-hierarchical organisation structure ?

14. Why and how does Google give a small company feel to its employees ?

15. Why is it difficult or easy to adapt to Google culture of innovation ?

16. How does Google motivate its employees to give their best ?

17. Why does Google believe in "power of ideas" and not seniority in the organisation ?


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