Monday, March 21, 2022

E waste offenders and management

Electronic waste contains toxic components that are dangerous to human health, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, polybrominated flame retardants, barium and lithium. The negative health effects of these toxins on humans include brain, heart, liver, kidney and skeletal system damage.

 Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to all items of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and its parts that have been discarded by its owner as waste without the intent of re-use

E-waste not only contains harmful chemicals, but electronics become obsolete every six months or so, which means, every six months people are throwing away perfectly good electronics in order to get the newest one.

The world discarded 53.6 million tons of e-waste in 2019. Only 17.4% of e-waste discarded in 2019 was recycled, the United Nations reports.
How can we treat e-waste?
They include:
  1. Be a good consumer. ...
  2. Reuse as often as possible. ...
  3. Educate yourself on what gets put into your electronics. ...
  4. Look for an environmentally friendly label. ...
  5. Consider limiting the number of electronics you own. ...
  6. Teach kids about e-waste. ...
  7. Recycle, recycle, recycle. ...
  8. Understand security issues.



Friday, March 11, 2022

Efforts to go green ..

Why do we need to go green ? 

It is the best way to remind ourselves of the necessity to preserve nature.

Here are some of the ways one can go green ..

  • Plant something
  • Ride your bike
  • Buy reusable bags
  • Use refillable water bottle
  • Get produce from a local farmers market
  • Try to do e-commercefor your clothes
  • Spend time outside 

Click here for more ..

Toyota Way ..

  The Toyota Way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the Toyota Motor Corporation's managerial approach and production system. Toyota first summed up its philosophy, values, and manufacturing ideals in 2001, calling it "The Toyota Way 2001". It consists of principles in two key areas: Continuous improvement and respect for people  -

  • Section I — Long-term philosophy
  • Section II — The right process will produce the right results
  • Section III — Add value to the organization by developing your people
  • Section IV — Continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning
The pillars of Toyota Production System
  • Just in Time Production and
  • Automation with a human touch (autonomation)

 Continuous Improvement and respect for people are two main aspects of Toyota Way. 

What makes Toyota unique?

It has been cultivated through high quality design, unyielding innovation, and bold moves. They're responsible for some of the most impressive sports cars ever produced. High resale value and safety are two aspects that make Toyota a very loved vehicle.

Click here to find what really happened to Toyota in 2011 

For Toyota, TQM is based on the concept of 

  • “customer first”, 
  • kaizen meaning continuous improvement and 
  • “total participation” which means the involvement and input of all employees.


Sunday, March 06, 2022

Should India align with Russia or NATO or remain aloof ?

After the British looted India during the last two centuries and we drove them out, the non-aligned policy followed by Nehru helped us in technological development which took us to the fore front of global nations.

Ever afterwards, we had problems with Pakistan. Pakistan with Jinnah followed a communal path while India under Nehru followed a more liberal, open, free path focusing on science and technology. 

Whenever confrontations arose, Russia sided with us while US and UK were with Pakistan. We got to see the real colours of United States, UK and other European partners who were equally keen to absorb our brains and help us technologically and scientifically to march ahead in economic prosperity.

While US and Europe guaranteed economic progress, Soviet Union / Russia guaranteed national security. We got to see our real friends in two spheres of human endeavour.
Can Ukraine be a threat to Russia ?
Being a Communist country, Russia cannot think of another approach other than dictatorship and an oligarchy. This morning I was surprised to read of Russians in Moscow losing their jobs just because they were messaging for peace to their friends.  Putin's ego is more than what he can carry around and that is the problem at present. Such problems do not happen in a democracy.
Being the richest person in the world who owns palaces, mansions, planes, cars around Russia and the world, Putin has a lot at stake if he is kicked out of power. So it is in his interest, not of Russia to ensure Russia remains a Communist oligarchy or dictatorship, whatever be the costs in terms of human lives and misery.

Unless the people of Communist Russia are mentally prepared and mature enough to remove him from power, any encounter is bound to bring bloodshed and death. At this point of time in the 21st century, we have  to worry with whom to align, should we be concerned more for our economic development or national security ?

At the same time we have to understand that it is not Ukraine that has gone for fighting with Russia, it is Russia that has come for fighting with Ukraine and is transgressing into its territory, violating the right of ciitzens to express themselves and to ensure a bright future for themselves and their children.

Click here for a BBC report on Putin's riches ..
Click here for a Forbes report on how Putin makes his billions .

In this time of crisis for the people of Ukraine, with whom should we be more closer ? A moral and ethical question for the Indian people ... 

Class discussion on Tata Nano failure ..

Yesterday in the MBA sem 2 Innovation class, I discussed the case study on Tata Nano, why it failed in the Indian market. This is a copy of ...

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