Friday, May 11, 2007

E-learning at MBC ..

E-learning is an interesting concept (also called distance learning by electronic means) as it enables asynchronous learning for different students at different places and at different times.

About a month back I started the first e-learning site for MBC at

It was at that time that I fell ill with slip disc and hence could not continue much to make the site richer. The site is still under development and it is hoped that very soon in the next two weeks, the site will cover a couple of subjects. One for the eighth sem comp science students, elective called, e-commerce and the other one for the fourth sem electronics and comm students titled, reliability and humanities.

he site will also be developed to reflect the present state of the college.

A free email for every student is also planned, in the domain. Since the site is launched on a linux server, it has got lot of features and free software available for the students. For example, the e-commerce package of open commerce and zencart will give the students terrific exposure to setting up an e-commerce site.

It is possible to launch individual homepages at the site like ( ie. we can start as many subdomains, unlimited.. for public use.)

The only point is presently the site is of 5 GB size which can be expanded.

The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) of MBC College and it's secretary Saju Elias sir has been very helpful in extending all financial help for the setting up of the site.

We are also planning to open a new domain which will truly reflect the academic nature of the institution.


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