Friday, August 15, 2008

Phelps does it a sixth time in Beijing..

Nobody at the beginning of Beijing Olympics on 8 August ever knew or had heard of this young swimmer from US. By today, the seventh day, he has already broken world records and won gold medals in all the six events in the swimming pool The Cube , which he has participated so far in Beijing.

He is already got twelve golds in two olymics, the largest ever number of gold medals by any individual in the history of the games, and is just one gold medal short of Mark Spitz' record in Munich Olymics 1972 of seven gold medals in one Olympics. He has two more events to participate in the coming two days.

Phelps is a sensation !! At 23 years of age, he is what every swimmer is looking forward to.

If he was an Indian, what sort of an personality he would already have become .

Wait for the next two days and two more events for Phelps. He is getting ready to be the greatest Olympian swimmer of all time..


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