Friday, October 24, 2008

Vaiko arrested, brings the Tamil issue to the fore again ...

The arrest of the MDMK leader Vaiko in Chennai yesterday on charges of sedition against the county was a timely step.

This attains more importance especially at a time when LTTE is declared a terrorist organisation and it continues decimation of other Tamil groups and their leaders trying to espouse the Tamil cause. While it was made known publicly by LTTE on several occasions that it does not support democracy among its cadre and among Tamils, it declared itself as the only legitimate representative of Tamils in Sri lanka. Under such circumstances, it becomes difficult for a democracy like India to support it ?

Velupalli Prabhakaran who was responsible for ordering the killings of many of his opponents among the Tamil fraternity in Sri Lanka, is on the run now after Sr Lanka has raised its offensive against the Tamils. It is just a matter of a few months before LTTE becomes history. LTTE is itself to blame for this state of affairs. It is a known opportunist which has violated all rules in the rulebook for fair play and for breaking many a ceasefire with the SriLankan government. By plotting against the Indian government when it ordered the killing of  the former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi it had made enemies in the Indian establishment.

India will support any legitimate aspirations of the Tamil people provided it is represented by a different more democratic group and not the LTTE. On the one hand we are fighting separatism in J&K and on the other if we support the LTTE is known for its violent ways and  not represent the peace loving Tamils, we are contradicting our own stand.  LTTE's violent ways of enrolment, recruitment of children and training makes it a soft target for the human rights groups too.

Unless Tamils get a different group to represent its interests in Sri Lanka , the Tamil cause there is as good as finished and forgotten for ever !


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