Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Democracy at its peak ...

In the middle of all the mourning and cries, this morning I found it interesting to listen to India's top jurist, Ram Jethmalani, fighting for the constitutional rights of the captured terrorist of the Mumbai attacks. Mr Ajmal Kasab. I cannot express the feeling, but def, it is the best thing for the country, as slowly and firmly India will be able to root out the menace of extremism and terrorism from the country by the revelations given by Kasab. To nail the lies of Pakistan .. Kudos to Ram Jethmalani to show the guts ..

When lawyers across the country were refusing to fight for Kasab,  to have Ram Jethmalani speak out for Kasab, is democracy at it's best !

Even the detainees at Guantanamo Bay were confined to isolation wards and were not given any legal support. Nobody dared speak out for those fighting against the US state..

Will Ajmal Kasab be declared a prisoner of war and treated accordingly or a terrorist and denied all legal assistance, it is for the govt to decide.

But it is def. a big boost for the democratic credentials of the country..

1 comment:

  1. Yday the leading article in The Hindu was by K G Balakrishnan, Malayali Chief Justice of India. He too was suppporting the view by Soli Sorabjee..

    He was of the view that a criminal, how heinous his crime is, should be allowed legal assistance to defend himself.

    It will def be a long time before the western world will be able to understand and appreciate this stand. It is not much time since they got down from trees ...

    Guantanamo Bay is a living example of the gross and crass violation of human rights in the guise of state terror. Other than some military tribunals, the guantanamo bay prisoners have no way or right to defend themselves.

    Similarly pre-emptive strikes violating another country's territorial integrity is not again part of Eastern civilization and culture.

    We would never do it anyway, given the harsh lessons of that experience!!



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