Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A rape victim in jail clears the UPSC exams ..

Surprising .. But it is a fact.. 

Ashok Rai, a rape convict who was convicted to serve a long jail sentence as the rape victim happened to commit suicide, has surprised the court and the govt after clearing the UPSC exams. So much has been the dilemma before the court that his existing service in the jail has been considered enough punishment. Even though he will still be considered a convict,  the fact that he has qualified for the high job has pressured the court into condoning his jail sentence and get ready for the top job..

Mr Rai really needs to be commended for the persistence and will power he has displayed, even though he has miscalculated his moves and actions have backfired..

Maybe a first in Indian legal history ..

George Easaw

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