Friday, May 22, 2009

Manmohan and his new ministers ...

Indian PM Dr Manmohan Singh with the newly assigned ministers in Rashtrapathi Bhavan on 22 May at 7.30 PM after oath taking ceremony..


George Easaw 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No tears for Prabhakaran ...

The great Leader who twice tried to flee from the scene of fighting, dumping his soldiers and followers !! ..

If Prabhakaran was not a coward, would he have decimated all threat to him from among Tamilians and Sri Lankans..? Would he have terrorised his people so much and become the unassailable and very secretive person he was known to be ?

If he was worrying about his family, would he have killed or  commanded the killing of  so many people, men, women, kids included?

The greatest coward and the sole person responsible for destroying the Tamil cause in Sri Lanka for his selfish ends, Pirabhakaran, does not deserve any mercy from any quarters .. 

No tears for Prabhakaran, though his family could have been taken care of ..

A dreaded terrorist on the lines of a mini Hitler ... His selfish desire for fame, for a distorted Tamil cause, revolving only around him and the organisation which he founded, cost 100,000 lives, besides his own !!

Towards the end he failed to see reason and was so scared of death and losing power that he secluded himself and exercised too much control, which naturally led to revolting from within and finally his DOWWNFALL ...!!




Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mandate to sit in the opposition .. !!

It was very interesting to note how the think tank of the losing party, the BJP, ( who showed uncanny magnanimity in accepting defeat for the first time ever in their history..) accepted the fact that the people of India had given it the mandate to sit in the opposition.

Strange are the ways of politicians , they manage to turn everything to their advantage.. It is ok if they learn the lessons from this, but does it really happen..?

Next time around, the same leaders will once again talk of building the Ram Temple, sethu samudram issue, personally cast aspersions and insinuations against other politicians, personal diatribes or abuses (!!) against people who differ with them. ( they are very famous for that as we all know..), talk of an incapable and weak PM and so on ..

It happens when these people realise they do not have issue worth the salt to discuss and instead resort to cheap gimmicks.. It is very sad at the end of it all, to see the same tactics boomerang.. The whole crowd then cuts a very sorry figure..! exposed and disrobed !!

Any way these are steps to maturity of a democracy.. and we have to make do with such immature politicking ...


Prabhakaran, from a fisherman to a dreaded terrorist ..

In this photograph released by the Sri Lankan military on May ...

In this photograph released by the Sri Lankan military on May 19, 2009 shows what the army says is the body of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran. Sri Lanka's army chief said Tamil Tiger leader Prabhakaran's body was found on Tuesday, and Sri Lankan TV stations aired video of what appeared to his corpse, with the top of its head blown off. There was no independent confirmation available. REUTERS/Sri Lankan Government/Handout (SRI LANKA MILITARY CONFLICT POLITICS) QUALITY FROM SOURCE. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS

Damn it, Kalla vote, The Marxists routed ...

The Indian general elections just concluded has made the Marxists and Communists eat the humble pie.. The talk in Kerala is, since the Election Commission eliminated false voting , the Marxists lost, which implies that false voting and goondagiri was what made the Marxists survive.. What started as their honeymoon with 60 seats in the just dismissed lok sabha, little did the Marxists ever think they would go out of favour of the common man so soon in their hinterlands of Kerala  and West Bengal.

Their leaders are at loss of words to explain the dismal performance of their party in the two states. They firmly believed, in the rule of the body than the intellect.. Goondagiri (violent high-handedness) could make good for the lack of intellect .. They will soon start blaming the global economic scenario and the downturn for their fall.

They objected the Indo US nuclear deal and now they are isolated.  Their sharp, long and nasty tongues, like of their followers , will at least be silenced ( if not for ever !!) and will not wag for the next few years.. India and peace loving Indians can heave a sigh of relief now !! The damage has been so much, even their base in West Bengal is shaken.. Come the assembly elections and Marxists will be out of recognition and reckoning from the India map and the global map too, for sure.. 

That tribe will then morph into some opportunistic grouping and survive as it is the likvelihood of their leaders..! If only they are able to continue to hood wink their supporters to the Utopian dream of rule by the working class, does this outdated organisation have any chances of survival ..

The Marxixts would soon be petitioning the President and appraising her of the necessity to restore kalla voting, which only can help the routed candidates of CPI (M) to return with thumping majority..

Monday, May 11, 2009


Chinnu is busy in her Sangama trek .. It was hot but the breeze from the river Cauvery and the wetness of an earlier dip in Cauvery made the trek very exciting..
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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Excessive civilian casualties enraging Afghan population ??

It was very saddening and shocking to listen to the Red Cross spokeswoman yesterday on the civilian casualties in Afghanistan in the American fight against Taliban and Al-Queda  in Afghanistan and Pakistan. About 130 civilians were killed in the air raids yesterday, the highest since Obama took over.  The conscience of the world is shaken and all right thinking, peace-loving world citizens are disturbed..

Instead of targeting the terrorists terrestrially, the US plan to conduct frequent air raids is only adding the list of civilian casualties. It is one great factor which is alienating and distancing the US and NATO forces from the Afghan population. 

On the one hand, US is funding these terrorists and their mutant forms in Pakistan through liberal aid helping them to grow, spread and recruit members unhindered, and on the other, they are attacking innocent civilians enraging the population.. 

US is collecting wrong intelligence on Af-Pak and Mr Holbrooke is being advised incorrectly by whoever is doing so. Obama has stopped short of accepting the truth that India is not interested in attacking Pakistan, history tells so, but harks that the threat to Pakistan is not from India but from within, the terrorists. It also exposes the US guilt of not accepting the true Indian position to any impartial reader of world politics.

Unless India is given its rightful position in mediating in the regional problem of eradicating terrorism from the area, by including it in any serious peace making moves, this problem will forever remain unsolved. And in the process of ensuring the comfort of the present generation, the guilt of the blood of the innocent Afghan civilians killed will be borne by millions of present day Americans and their generations to come !! Let us hope it not be a damning indignation !!

In nature there are no rewards and punishments, only consequences !!


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Kids enjoying the cauvery sun.. Trek to Sangama, 3 May 2009

Kids (ours and kochumol's) enjoying the Cauvery riverbed  .. in the sun .. 

Because of the cool breeze blowing, we never felt the heat..

It was an enjoyable outing, which we will remember for a  long time to come.

Monday, May 04, 2009

what a trip to Sangama ..??

Yday sangama was truly fabulous.. 

The journey one way is 95 kms. We started from home at 7.15 am and then waited for kochumol and family to join us near the crossing over bridge after phase i, elec city. At 7.45 am they also came and then we moved along the NICE highway. We reached kanakapura at 9 am and we missed the famed rathna upahara for bfast. we came back to kanakpura, had a sumptuous bfast of masala dosas and coffee. also packed three packets of lemon rice for noon lunch. Kochuml had brought lot of pulau for lunch,..

We reached sangama at 10.30 am. The flame of the forest was in full colourful bloom on the way. By 11 am , we had parked our cars by the tree shade and was in the water. Initially we had plans to go up to mekedatu, but the low intensity of water discouraged us from trekking all the way up to mekedatu which is 4 kms. 

After crossing the confluence of cauvery and akravathy we trekked for a km and stopped under a tree by the banks of cauvery for lunch, games etc..

Except kochumol and anila, all of us went to the river in search of water. we could see some water holes on the dry parched cauvery river bed, but at some points there was good flow. we wetted ourselves, to snaps and returned to base for lunch.

after lunch we decided to head back to the confluence where we could play in the water, chinnu and others were rearing to get in the water yet again.

From 2 to 4 pm, all of us were in the water at the confluence.. may be it is May, there was such a lot of people around, an ocean of people. We enjoyed, the water.

Silky, our Labrador, was very thirsty and even though it had to take rest on the way , in the water it was very happy and enjoyed the  break from heat ..

By 4 we headed back for bangalore after drinking some soft drinks, plenty of water and on the way a good tea.

By 6.30 pm we were in the house and just as we reached home, it started raining heavily..

on the whole a very exciting, enjoyable, trip which the kids enjoyed very much. 


Class discussion on Tata Nano failure ..

Yesterday in the MBA sem 2 Innovation class, I discussed the case study on Tata Nano, why it failed in the Indian market. This is a copy of ...

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