Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Damn it, Kalla vote, The Marxists routed ...

The Indian general elections just concluded has made the Marxists and Communists eat the humble pie.. The talk in Kerala is, since the Election Commission eliminated false voting , the Marxists lost, which implies that false voting and goondagiri was what made the Marxists survive.. What started as their honeymoon with 60 seats in the just dismissed lok sabha, little did the Marxists ever think they would go out of favour of the common man so soon in their hinterlands of Kerala  and West Bengal.

Their leaders are at loss of words to explain the dismal performance of their party in the two states. They firmly believed, in the rule of the body than the intellect.. Goondagiri (violent high-handedness) could make good for the lack of intellect .. They will soon start blaming the global economic scenario and the downturn for their fall.

They objected the Indo US nuclear deal and now they are isolated.  Their sharp, long and nasty tongues, like of their followers , will at least be silenced ( if not for ever !!) and will not wag for the next few years.. India and peace loving Indians can heave a sigh of relief now !! The damage has been so much, even their base in West Bengal is shaken.. Come the assembly elections and Marxists will be out of recognition and reckoning from the India map and the global map too, for sure.. 

That tribe will then morph into some opportunistic grouping and survive as it is the likvelihood of their leaders..! If only they are able to continue to hood wink their supporters to the Utopian dream of rule by the working class, does this outdated organisation have any chances of survival ..

The Marxixts would soon be petitioning the President and appraising her of the necessity to restore kalla voting, which only can help the routed candidates of CPI (M) to return with thumping majority..

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