Monday, April 12, 2010

Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC ..

President Barack Obama and presidents, prime ministers and other top officials from 47 countries start work Monday on a battle plan to keep nuclear weapons out of terrorist hands.

Who is responsible for this state of affairs ? which terror supporting country has done maximum nuclear proliferation damage, who has supplied Iran with nuke technology and equipments ? How did North Korea get nuke technology ?? Sadly all these countries are allies of US .. Keeping nuclear weapons off their hands is the most immediate agenda ..

Closing eyes to all proliferation all these years by its closest allies, when US policy boomerangs and they find it difficult to make their allies behave, it cries for world attention and world advice.. 

Quote : On the eve of what would be the largest assembly of world leaders hosted by an American president since 1945 — the San Francisco conference to found the United Nations — Obama said nuclear materials in the hands of al-Qaida or another terrorist group "could change the security landscape in this country and around the world for years to come." Unquote ..

While the world is looking forward to a future of non-proliferation and nuclear materials not falling in terrorist hands,  afallout of its selective amnesia policy in the East, the secret agenda I understand, is to enforce a fourth round of sanctions against Iran for its non-compliance to stop nuclear material processing .. China is also throwing its weight behind US to stop Iran from being a nuclear power. 

ge ..

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