Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hachiko (1923-1935) funeral

Prayers and farewell ..

The much adorable dog in real life, Name : Hachiko, Breed : Akita Inu, (1923-1935), as a symbol of love and friendship to his master Professor Hidesaburo Ueno on which the film- " Hachiko, the dog story " is made. The story is real old, a 1934 real life story ..

Click on this link for the film, about 90 mins.. .. on youtube ..

Being remembered forever ..

Hachiko's statue at the Shibuya train station, Japan,

Hachiko waiting for his Prof Ueno ...

Hachiko's tomb besides his masters ..

With his eternal master !!

Tearful farewell ..

Image courtesy

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