Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hiroshima, sun and energy ..

Hiroshima nuclear explosion in 1945 had the energy equivalent of 21.5 KT of TNT exploding, ie. as per Einstein, energy what a gram mass of matter would release. A kg mass of matter releases 21.5 Mega Tons of TNT energy equivalent. The sun releases app 10,000 Mega Tons of TNT energy equivalent every second, 10 million times Hiroshima .. and sun is the smallest of stars known to mankind.

Are we really energy deficient ??

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Analysing Google/Gmail and Facebook .. 12/4/14 ..

It was quite interesting to note the growth and latest data of two great Internet companies, Google and Facebook .. As Google continues to be very innovative and eke out innovative products every three months on an average, the craze and need to interact and be socially active among the people of the world, especially the youth makes Facebook as one of the fastest growing companies on the Internet.

The no of subscribers to Gmail, google's most popular product is 425m users as of June '12, Facebook has 1200 million subscribers as of March '14 and still growing.

Regarding financials from the following table, we see Facebook is catching up with google.

Is there possibility of another giant Internet player capturing the global market in the near future either in social media or cloud based mail/ office apps. ??

Comparing the financials of Google and Facebook the picture gets very clear ..

Parameters            Google            Facebook

Revenue ('13)      $ 68 billion         $ 8 billion
Market cap         $368 billion        $ 151 billion
Revenue/emp      $1.25 million      $ 1.25 million
Income               $ 13 billion         $ 1.5 billion
No of shares        673 million         2600 million

These two companies are the top players in the global IT scenario ( gone are the days of AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo and so on..). As Google continues to gobble great startup companies like aerospace companies to help offer free wifi from space and Nest automation for domestic automation, it is able to offer innovative solutions very frequently to the people of the world.

List of acquisitions by Google so far ..

What started with Google acquisition in 2001 with Usenet , went thru many acquisitions, as much as 147 (as of April '14). Prominent among them were youtube in Oct 2006 for $1.25 billion, Double click for online advertising in 2007 for $3.1 billion, Motorola Mobility in Aug 2011 for $12.5 billion, WAZE, GPS navigation software in June 2013 for $0.97 billion, Nest Labs in Jan 2014 for $ 3.2 billion.

The future is for Google ( given its creative and innovative work environment ) at least for the next ten years given its passionate hunger for innovations and ideas for shaping the new developed world of the 2020s..

Why is Google doing all this ?? No one has the idea, but we can only safely assume that these are all being done by Brin and Page with good intentions to benefit mankind. The other positive idea coming out of this is the impact of technical innovations on thepeople of the world.. We are positive that Google's positive actions ( we do not have any idea what it could be) will make a definitive change on the world and the way we live, whether it is for the good or bad, only time will tell ..

Titan solar drone .. free wi-fi access points in space, google plans..
pic courtesy Titan Aerospace..

ge.. (data from, the
knowledge engine. 12/4/14)

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Finally Toyota is also taking out its automation plans and bringing humans on the shopfloor..

It shows how humans only can improvise, innovate and improve existing processes which are automated. Automated processes are programmed to work according to the capabilities programmed into the chip by the programmer. It is his capability that is evident in the program on which the robot works. 

Human mind on the other hand, is infinitely capable to improvise and innovate and does not depend on machines which perform as per what it has been programmed to do, nothing better, nothing worse. 

Automated processes are taking the cut and going manual again !! Because that is the only place where innovation can work and bring in massive changes and improvements.

george.. ( Thanks to Prof Supriyo for bringing this point up )

Thursday, April 03, 2014

My new abode. Provident Welworth by Purvankara, Yelahanka

View of the pool from our balconey E5-204 ..
Chinnu by the pool side, having a look at the water ..
Another closeup from our balconey ..
By the pool side..

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Criminalisation of politics - Satyameva Jayate episode, March 30 2014..

Shocking !!  Thanks to Association for Democratic Rights and Prof Trilochan Sastry of IIMB ..

The finale episode of the second season of Satyamev Jayate yesterday focused on the issue of Criminalization in Politics, highlighting facts, figures and stories of people; bringing home the urgency for each one of us to vote in this Lok Sabha elections for clean candidates and not sell our vote, our self-respect.
Data/Presentation on criminalization and asset increase of elected representatives:
Let us hope this will bring to an end the criminalisation of Indian politics..It is very sad that inrrespective of the political parties, all of them have criminals elements in them who are contesting the elections this time.


Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Narayana Hrudayalaya Bangalore visit ... 1 April 2014.

On my recent visit with students to Narayana Hrudayalaya, what struck me most was this one statement : Charity is never scalable..  Families who are philanthropic now, may fail society tomorrow.

With Dr Manjunath (centre) wearing coats and masks..Ready to see it all ..
Families who are philanthropic now may not be able to scale their philanthropic activities to levels demanded by increasing population gaining access to modern medical care. It therefore makes more sense for noble institutions like a heart care hospital to think of some innovative and ingenious ways to tackle the perennial problem of funding. The easiest and most viable proposition thought of by Dr Devi Shetty was of a low cost sustainable business model which works on economies of scale and division and specialisation of labour.

This prompted Dr Devi Shetty and team to go for "social service with a purpose" and offer affordable healthcare working on self sustainable business model and establish NH. All modern strategies which are taught in the best business schools by the best professors are being practically implemented by the doctors and other professionals at NH, in that they have created a very good workable business model. Not being complacent of their success, the hospital always tries to be more innovative, looking for means and ways to reduce costs. As we were told, one of the recent innovations they implemented was of the surgical coat used to cover the patient.

With Dr Thimmappa Hegde(centre) and Dr Susheel (centre back)
Ordinary cotton coats, costing Rs 2000/- could be reused upto sixty times, but is very unhygienic as because of repeated washing and sanitizing, the cloth would get torn and cotton would float in the air, causing contamination by bringing germs. Cardiac surgery requiring very hygienic conditions cannot afford to take a risk this way.

By importing disposable coats from Germany, the cost of the coat per surgery comes to Rs 5000/-. The cost of the coat material is only Rs 500/- but the stitching in Germany and transportation makes it expensive. Bangalore being the textile capital of Karnataka, NH decided to get the material from Germany and get it stiched in India under highly hygienic conditions. at just an additional cost of Rs 200 per coat, NH was thus able to not only cut the cost per disposable coat from Rs 5000 per coat per surgery to Rs 700 per coat per surgery. This was a simple innovation which reduced the cost for the surgical coat from Rs 5000 to Rs 700.

Listening to Dr Hegde's captivating absorbing talk ..
Dr Susheel explaining the management side of NH..
This brings us to another great learning and reminds me of a popular proverb that goes this way :- where there is a will, there is a way .. When a problem is devoid of a solution for lack of funds, it is a great step to initiate innovation .. It in fact ignites an innovation ecosystem.

A Reverse Innovation example

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