Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Report on the TEDx event at Alliance University, Bangalore, India, 19/9/14.

( Prepared by Volunteer Head, B K Sourabha, Sem4, MBA, Jan '13.)

TEDx Campus Connect Event, 19th September 2014, Alliance University
TEDx is an international community that organizes Technology, Entertainment and Design
(TED) style events celebrating locally driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx
events are produced independently of TED conference; each event curates speakers on their own,but based on TED’s formats and rules.

Through the platform of TEDx talks the high performers and achievers are given a platform to
showcase their achievements, the strategy and motivation behind their thoughts and convictions.

It aims at giving the global audience free access to some of the world’s greatest thinkers,
leaders and teachers. The talks and recordings, available for free on the Internet are taken as
video discussion cases across the world in Management Institutions and Business schools. TED talks conducted outside of US are designated as TEDx talks.

With an intention to motivate the student community to be an active part of the innovative
activities TEDx has started conducting Campus Connect programmes across top colleges all
over India. Alliance University has had the privilege of hosting one such campus connects’ on
the 19th of September 2014, at the 2nd floor seminar hall, learning centre from 2:30 PM – 4:30

Campus connect events are different from TEDx gateway conferences, in the sense that these
are more of an interactive session, where students have an opportunity to interact with the speaker.

50 Institutions across the India have been identified for holding TEDx Campus Connect
programmes during 2014-15. Each college that is selected will get to host the event three times in one year.

Mr. Shaunak Kulkarni, Lead Campus Connect – TEDx India visited the Alliance University
campus and interacted with around 200 students, from all streams and the faculty members. He spoke about how any small idea can lead into something huge and innovative and how TEDx strives to recognize such talents and bring it out for the whole world to experience.

He spoke about 15-year old Angad Daryani, who loves ‘making’ things, so he was passionately driven to 3D technology and the art of 3D printing. Angad built his first 3D printer at the age of 13 and is soon coming out with a commercial 3D printer. What Shaunak wanted to convey was that age is no barrier. There is an innovator in each one of us. He did manage to get a few very innovative and creative ideas from the students of Alliance as well. We are proud that we have students of that caliber at Alliance and this is a great platform to bring that to notice.

Three videos were shown during the session, one of Pranav Mistry’s “The thrilling potential of Sixth Sense Technology”; Lt Cdr Abhilash Tomy: “What 151 days around the world taught me”; Angad Nadkarni: “A new way to crack exams”. He also spoke about internship opportunities available with TEDx for the students of these top 50 colleges. This is a huge thing since the amount of exposure that TEDx can provide is immense.

We are known for the excellent infrastructure and we take pride in this fact. It’s just not us; we just got one more fan added to this club. Mr. Shaunak seemed very impressed with the infrastructure and the Campus and he was affirmative on holding more such campus connect events in near future with quality speakers addressing the students.

On the whole the event was success with active participation from the student community, a
major role played by the student volunteers who looked after registrations, local hospitality,
transport, hall arrangement and reception. TEDx encourages these events to be entirely student driven thus, helping build leadership and event management skills among the students.
We hope to host more such events in the future, thus growing across limits as an organization.

Prof. George Easaw: The main guiding force behind the event.
Student Volunteer Team:
Sourabha Kerodi; Sahil Sood; Deekshith R Hegde; Aashita Bharadvaj; Soham Sharma; Nanda
Kumar; Raja Nahusha Varsha; Shravan; M Shashidharan; Arun R; Mathews Kevin;
Keshabananda Bora; Abhinav and Surya Sashank; P Manudhar Reddy; Sumit Kumar.

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