Tuesday, November 04, 2014

RE: Prof Jean Tirole's work - talk by Dr Shamim Mondal

Thank you for the kind words !

All the best

Jean Tirole



De : George Easaw [mailto:geasaw@gmail.com]
Envoyé : Tuesday, November 04, 2014 4:15 AM
À : geasaw.blogposting@blogger.com
Cc : Jean Tirole; ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY Chancellor; anubha@alliance.edu.in; Sajan Mathew; shamim.sm@alliance.edu.in
Objet : Prof Jean Tirole's work - talk by Dr Shamim Mondal


Prof. Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics, France), 2014 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, is one of the most influential economists who have extensively worked on business in the field of Game Theory and its application to Industrial Organization. More specifically, his work has focused on the nature of competition and cooperation that pervades business environment and markets, and how regulatory bodies should respond to their responsibilities of looking after consumer interest by enhancing competition and looking after business interests to encourage innovation. Significantly, he has done some path-breaking work in the domain of network externalities and two-sided markets, which are helpful in understanding the businesses of credit card, application development for operating systems, internet etc.

The talk to be delivered by Prof. Shamim Mondal, economics faculty of Alliance Uty for the students of Alliance uty Bangalore will focus on some of these issues.

Date : 11 Nov, 2014
Time : 2.30 - 4 pm
Venue : LHW 203, Learning centre, AU, Bangalore.

All interested are welcome !!

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