Monday, December 07, 2015

Walking and barefoot walking - benefits ..

Seventeen health benefits of walking 

In very simple terms, I can conclude that walking is a very simple and effective exercise both for the body and the mind.

I know of very many people who have been walking and have enjoyed great health over many years.

Dr E Sreedharan, the longest serving employee of Government of India, (retired at the ripe age of 79 years from GoI), the Metro Man of India, who was the former MD of Delhi Metro, Konkan Railway, Kolkata Metro and now an advisor on Sustainable Transport to the United Nations, is an avid walker !!

Ever since my wife and myself started walking regularly for the past 18 months, we have had good health and no joint, backache problems at all .. It has improved our general health and beyond imagination.

My parents have been walking for decades, Now in Kochi at 92 and 86 years, they are very active mentally and physically, with no health problems at all ! My father if he had the option to walk and taking a vehicle, he would prefer to walk anyday.

Some of the fondest memories of my life walking was when I used to walk every sunday to the church in Trichur, Kerala, at age of 12 years, about 6 kms, enjoying the early morning sun and the cool breeze.

Having come to Bangalore, I find walking is being resorted to daily by Prof J Philip, former Director and President of XIME, which keeps him active, healthy and agile as never before. At age 78 he is very fond of walking.

Bangalore is known for its traffic snarls. To circumvent it, I too have started walking to and from office, these days. For the past three weeks, been walking about 3-4 km each, on average daily to office in Dollars Colony, Silk Board and back. Besides contributing to reducing the traffic snarls in the morning and evenings on Bangalore roads, it is very helpful to my purse too. How fresh I feel in the morning and in the evening after returning from work ! All Bengalorites do not get this luxury of short office commute from home, but it is a great benefit.

My advice to my fellow comrades on planet earth, wherever possible, in whatever job and responsibility, and in whatever capacity, do stretch your body, take a few extra steps daily. It is not difficult at all. It prepares your mind and body to achieve more, be more healthy and make life more enjoyable when you start walking with your life partner.

The psychological benefits of walking are a happy, trouble and tension free mind, positive and helpful, waiting for more of life's challenges to face them headon !

So why wait, from this evening itself, start walking ! If you can combine it with household responsibilities of shopping, running on errands etc, it serves dual purpose too..

Walking is contagious. Seeing and sensing your positive mind, mentality, health and thinking, your neighbours, relatives, colleagues and students, all of them will also get into this habit.

Let us walk for a better future of planet earth and for a better future for humanity.

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