Saturday, February 04, 2017

The Ma Morley scholarship at University of New Castle, NSW, Australia ..

To who does Jack Ma Alibaba founder give credit to for helping change his outlook on life ? a great example of how mentorship can make a big difference to young impressionable minds ..

Click here to read how the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma gave tribute to late KIm Morley who changed his outlook on life and gave him confidence to take on the world.
Jack with his mentor Ken Morley, an Electrical Engineer

Alibaba now controls almost 40% of global e-commerce. Jack's $20 million scholarship to University of NewCastle in NSW, Australia will help fund the education, including original indigenous Australians, of upto 90 students when the Ma Morley scholarship comes into effect by 2018.

As Jack Ma would like to say it, it is nothing short of saying to a family A Big Thank you for holding my hand when I needed it most and to a University for grooming such a helpful and open hearted person and to a society for treating its people well and taking care of them.

Jack with David Morley, Ken's son in a Hangzhou park in china 1985.
The world's top e-commerce businessman could not say thank you in a better way. This will be remembered for a long time to come.

There is no better example of how good mentorship can make or break brilliant future of students in their very impressionale age.

If only all financially sound, successful people around the world remembered their mentors and gave back to society, the world would have been  a great place to live and die.

Across cultures of the world we have people with great minds to help and groom youngsters from different cultures and we also find there are people who in spite of their busy schedule find time to express gratitude for all small acts of kindness in their lives which helped change their future forever. 

Jack you have made your strong statement by this action .!  Cultures across the world need to give and take !

george.. (full credits to Australian Financial Review for the pictures..)

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