Thursday, January 11, 2018

Carbon footprint pic..

Interesting graphic.
Should'nt US be ashamed of itself for promoting irresponsible development ?

US average Carbon footprint 20 T is shocking !! Where is US clandestinely dumping all its Carbon, in the oceans, in the air or dumping it in other countries of the world ?

Rest of the world average is 4T (US included) and 3.29 T (excluding US). Will US ever learn any lesson or continue with its dumb approach to tackle climate change and environment protection ?

This situation raises some serious issues for the rest of the world.

1. Why is US not interested in reducing its carbon footprint ? 
2. Can US Carbon footprint reduction make any change in the global impact of climate change ? 
3. Should the three top polluters of the world, China, US and India work concertedly to arrest pollution and climate change ?
          4. Can the top three polluters of the world look at Carbon-neutral development ?


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