Monday, May 14, 2018

RIP Prof. ECG Sudarshan .

86 year old Padma Vibhushan Dr. ECG Sudarshan is no more.

After PhD from Rochester, Dr ECGS taught for 2 years at Harvard Uty, Uty of Texas, IISc and TIFR. His greatest contribution was the discovery of Tachyon particles which travelled faster than light and challenged Einstein ..

Prof. Sudarshan was  recommended for Nobel Prize record nine times, but was unlucky ..

As a mark of respect for this great Padma vibhushan physicist from India, the students in Alliance University, Bangalore stood for a minute in silence on 14 May 2018...

He hails from Pallom, Kerala. The generally high levels of intelligence observed in Kerala  reiterates the Jewish claim of the lost two Jewish clans to have migrated to South India and established their roots in Kerala among the Syrian Christians.

Rest in Peace Sir !!


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