Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Kerala- the hub of green activities ??

Innovative, progressive and pioneering *Green / sustainability initiatives* from Kerala which are going to be models worth emulating for other states in India, if not for the whole world -

1. Kochi International Airport - World's first and only International Airport (India's third largest) running 100% on solar energy on a 27 MW solar power plant operating from Kerala, India

2. World's first and only Carbon-neutral village (all carbon-intense human activities are offset by suitable carbon reducing and low carbon footprint activities) is coming up at Meenangaadi village in Wayanad Kerala by 2020 with the active participation of the villagers and full support of the state government of Kerala

3. For the first time in the world, The newly introduced Kochi Metro Mass Rapid Transit System is turning to be truly green with 25% powered by solar energy having it's own Rainwater harvesting plant

4. To top it all and simultaneously working to reach the Prime Minister's goal of 100 GW solar energy generation by 2025 AD, floating solar panels and solar energy powered boats are also under experimentation.

5. And now India's first electric powered buses are being tested in the three major cities of Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Kozhikode with a noble intention of reducing the Carbon footprint of public transportation systems in the country, reducing CO2 emissions.

With the active support of the people and a caring political and administrative setup, in spite of it's many shortcomings, green energy initiatives are really progressive and has far-reaching positive consequences for an informed society.


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