Saturday, July 28, 2018

Innovation workshop in Alliance University .

The Operations stream of Alliance School of Business is proud to bring yet another interesting activity in the AU campus on 9th and 10th of August '18.

Venue : LHW 203, Learning Centre, Central campus, Anekal, Bangalore.

For centuries we have been using the same methodologies in the guru-shishya parampara, first under the shade of trees, then in classrooms using blackboards, now in more developed and equipped classrooms with computer projector and then over the Internet ...

If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of their tomorrow -                                                                                                                          John Dewey
We communicate and teach with the help of presentation packages and more recently we use the medium of the Internet to listen to Professors and learned people from distant reputed Universities through E-learning approach and the famous Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), etc ...

At Alliance University we have an elearning website for the past six years. MOOCs are being developed for in-house consumption. Our main research interests prompt us to be looking at means and ways to pioneer and innovate

  • the teaching-learning process 
  • delivery of knowledge and skills to the recipients
  • assurance of learning
  • capability to use the knowledge in critical areas
  • find the appropriate media and applications to effect this transaction
  • reflection in socially useful metrics

But is it the end in itself or can we think of more innovative ways to 
  • get the attention span of the student, 
  • get him to come to class better prepared and well read, 
  • get him to take part in the discussions happening in the class, 
  • get him to interact with peers more effectively, 
  • get more practical knowledge in the different areas and enrich education ...

The main objective of the workshop is two fold :

1.  to develop innovative techniques in pedagogy and 
2.  redefine some of the existing and conventional teaching methods.

After attending the workshop the faculty member will be able to be more creative in his teaching styles and be more objective oriented in his approach.

George Easaw 

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