Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Forbes Most Sustainable Companies of the world 2019

Major Industries are taking to environmental sustainability
The Forbes list of the top 100 most sustainable companies of 2019 released this year (Jan 2019) also like earlier years, does not have any companies from India or China. It is a matter of concern for both of these industrial giants and the first (China) and third (India) largest economies of the world as they need to clean their backyards and care for the environment.

Click here for the Forbes list ..

The 4 measures on which the analysis has been done by Canada based Corporate Knights are as follows
  • performance reducing carbon and waste
  • gender diversity among leadership
  • revenues derived from clean products (clean revenue with 50% weightage) - Percentage of your total revenue derived from products and services that are categorized as “clean”
  • overall sustainability
Sifting through 3.7 million data points collected from Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters and other sources, a team of almost 60 people worked for 5000 hours to get the list up.

Pic courtesy facts.net
In the top 100, US has the largest number of environmentally sustainable companies of the world , almost 22. (This is despite the fact that US is the second largest environmental polluter in the world and emits a per capita annual CO2 emission of 27 tons.)

Then comes UK and Japan with 7 each and then is Finland and Canada with 6 each. The top Asian Asian country is South Korea with 3 companies, both LG and Samsung included, then comes Taiwan and Singapore with 2 each.

Not a single environmentally sustainable company from China or India in the top 100. Can we strive for it ?


1 comment:

  1. Amazing article Sir. But i doubt if there is contamination of actually data in their survey to promote US firms and whether Indian companies were purposely avoided.


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