Sunday, February 14, 2021

What do Space-for-Space models mean for humanity ?

What do the Space-for-Earth and Space-for-Space business models mean ?

The activities of the different space organisations across the world have been focusing on reaching space and conquering the planets. Of all global space faring nations US, Russia, China, India, UK, Japan, Germany and France have made initial strides with US and Russia having made maximum progress. 

We have through the international collaboration on International Space Station done experiments on how humans could fare in space for long periods of time. Any flight above 100 kms of earth's surface is a space flight. We have not been able to take more than 13 people together out of the earth's orbits at a single point of time. 

About 568 people from 41 countries have been to space as of November '20. A total of 12 people have walked on the surface of the moon. (click here). Space travel has always enthralled humans and of the total of 105 billion people who have lived on planet earth till date (click here), only about 568 people have been into space, a mere 0.0000000054 .. Valeri Polyakov of Russia (picture on the left) has stayed longest in space for 437 days, app 1.2 years.

We have tried to grow vegetables, carry out 3D machining and have attempted to make alloys and carry out metallurgical exercises to arrive at superior products for humanity back on earth. We call it the Space for Earth business model.

Space for Space business model is even more interesting. It proposes means and ways to carry out space activities like manufacturing growing plants etc from space or outer planets. If humanity is able to conquer this realm, the possibilities to humanity is limitless. We can exploit the resources from different planets, satellites, asteroids etc for the benefit of humanity like planning human settlements outside earth, exploiting energy resources for these activities and so on.

The domain is still on the drawing board and in the imagination of people. The efforts of SpaceX, Elon Musk's space initiative and Made in Space Inc collaborating with NASA and working on NASA funded projects is sure to bring developments in this area. 

Recently I happened to go through an exciting article in the digital version of Harvard Business Review of Feb '21 (click here) which was mentioning of the dawning commercial space age and the maturing of the Space-for-earth business models to the space-for-space business models.

As per the above HBR article, the three areas where governments of the world could concentrate are as follows, I have added the fourth point.

  • Allow Private Initiative - Allow private enterprise to take up the challenge and explore ingenious ways to exploit the space from earth and space from space initiatives
  • Flexible Governmental regulations and policies - If governments try to implements its regulations tooth and nail, it is sure to dampen some of the private enterprise and spirit of inquiry. Instead there should be a judicious application of the government regulations
  • International Collaboration - Moving across boundaries and forgetting geopolitical tensions got us the International Space Station. Similarly space faring nations should get together and work for expanding human forays into space beyond the solar system.  
  • Creating More Awareness - Creating better awareness back on earth to the 'Space for Earth' and 'Space for Space' initiative can bring more innovation to the forefront and help with great experiments and journeys to the far reaches of the Universe.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is opening up the space from earth and space from space initiatives including manufacturing to the private sector with a big push. Already Mahindra, Tata and Reliance besides small private players are already helping ISRO explore the deeper confines of space for India. 

With governmental and private initiatives, let us hope in the near future humans will be able to explore deep space and exploit its resources of energy and materials for the betterment of humanity and for establishing human settlements outside earth.

George.. (picture courtesy wikipedia)

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