Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The invaluable experience in Goan open iron ore mines ..

Barges with iron ore moving on the Mandovi to Vasco

I come from the South Indian state of Kerala and finished my engineering education at a great old competent Govt engineering college at Trivandrum in Kerala in 1986. 

Even though my first job was with the Kochi Port Trust, which offered lot of rich experiences and knowledge to begin with, which became very handy in my logistics and supply chain classes, the real break came when I moved to Arkonam in Tamil Nadu,  joining MRF tyres in 1987 Jan. 

Destiny brought me to Goa MRF plant, and to Goa government engineering college for my PG studies and finally to the Goan iron ore mines. Most of us feel, working in the mines is not a great job, just a blue collar job. Most of the people want to work in white collar jobs, IT, consulting etc that does not get your hands dirty.

After moving from MRF tyres Goa, after doing my PG course, I worked in Velingkar iron ore mines in Ponda Tisk, Goa for almost six months. I am thankful to my senior colleague and Goa Engineering college ME alumnus CS Dhaveji, for giving me the opportunity to work in the iron ore mines of Velingkar. 

Iron ore mines of a large MNC in Goa
Mines duties are very tough. One has to use our brain and brawn daily. During rains, the mines are shut down. The task of ensuring high mining efficiency, high truck loading, ensuring proper availability of mining equipment and transportation trucks, proper maintenance crew, proper loading and transportation management in the mines, availability of fuel, refreshments and lunch to field personnel, these are all quite challenging to the field personnel. 

When I worked in the mines, during summer from Jan to June '89, though it was a stop gap arrangement for me before joining Goa Govt Engg college as a lecturer,  the experience was rich.  Got to know in real time many of the aspects of mining, environmental clearances needed and the maintenance problems in heavy earth moving machinery. 

Now when I engage classes in Alliance University Bangalore, thirty years later, on Environmental sustainability and challenges brought about by mining around the world, I can relate directly with the issue and how it affects adversely the community.  If not great comments, I can give learned weighed opinions to the students in the class.

When I take these aspects in the strategy cases, I can explain in real time the challenges and give real time examples that make the class all the more interesting.

Were it not for all these experiences and challenges, I would only have been half as effective in the class. I can imagine how difficult it is for faculty members without industry exposure to engage classes to prepare students for a rich professional life. 

Now I realise all the eight jobs I have been through in my career so far, have helped me become an experienced and factually rich individual with lot of material for conveying to the young generation. 

         Everything happens in our life for a purpose

George. (pic courtesy Economic Times (mines pic) and Businessline (barge pic)

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