Monday, December 13, 2021

Bringing Rockefeller habits to the work area ..

Rockefeller Habits were widely adopted by John D. Rockefeller that helped his organisation grow and become a global leader in the oil exploration industry. Even after a hundred years, these principles are very much valid and are helping industry develop and grow. The three main points it tries to work on are the priorities, data collection and the regularity in actions. It tries to reinforce these three important points, focus on the priorities, working with a rhythm and take decisions based on data by a regular habit to be inculcated in the employees.

Can the Rockefeller habits be applied to a service firm, is a question many people ask me. According to my experience, Rockefeller habits get maximum benefit when applied to service firms. Besides my industrial experience that related to manufacturing, I was also heading an educational Institute, where Rockefeller habits were very useful. Daily we used to have the 11 AM huddle, where Area chairs or HODs from different departments used to assemble standing and share their problems with the Principal and other colleagues. More often than not, quick suggestions used to come from other colleagues and the problem was half solved.

Rockefeller's three guiding principles are priorities, data, and rhythm. According to the book Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish, Rockefeller determined that leadership needs to set priorities, learn from data, and create a rhythm within the organization. 

What are the 10 Rockefeller Habits ?   (

  1. The executive team is healthy and aligned

  2. Everyone is aligned with the #1 thing that needs to be accomplished this quarter to move the 

    company forward

  3. Communication rhythm is established and information moves through the organization quickly

  4. Every facet of the organization has a person assigned with accountability for ensuring goals 

    are met

  5. Ongoing employee input is collected to identify obstacles and opportunities

  6. Reporting and analysis of customer feedback data is as frequent and accurate as financial data

  7. Core values and purpose are “alive” in the organization

  8. Employees can articulate the key components of the company’s strategy accurately

  9. All employees can answer quantitatively whether they had a good day or week

  10. The company's plans and performance are visible to everyone.

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