Tuesday, August 23, 2022

E waste handling - Role play details

A. Activity - The 11 groups in the OSES class can come to the class prepared with a *Role Play* highlighting any one of the following challenges / issues in *a day in the life of an e-waste ragpicker / family* 

B. Topics -
1. Environmental degradation 
2. Poor community  awareness
3. Govt apathy / toothless policies
4. Health issues
5. Longevity / life expectancy 
6. Child labour
7. Poor company returns / end of life collection management 
8. Short sighted govt policies
9. Supply chain challenges 
10. Poor traceability / documentation 
11. Effluent seepage affecting water table
12. Dangerous chemicals / minerals entering food chain through plants / animals 
13. Lack of proper disposal facilities etc..

C. Logistics : Each group can present role play (5 -8 min skit) in each class. Leader to introduce the problem to the class. Max 6 - 10 min. 

D. Presentation style (by all group members) - 
Phase 1 - enacting system failure
Phase 2 - enacting successful failure resolution 

E. Evaluation - Group grading (not individual) will be carried out. 

F. Date - 24 Aug '22., timing - 10.20 - 11.40 AM.

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