Sunday, September 18, 2022

An analysis of The Republic by Plato, published in 380 BC

I am getting to the end of reading The Republic by Plato (written in 380 BC), the final 50 pages of this massive 400 page philosophical treatise, the first of it's kind on modern day concepts of Justice, Democracy, Mathematics, Music, Gymnastics etc .. This extraordinary philosophical work is said to be the basis on which the modern western thought systems of justice and development is based.

The Athenian philosopher Plato (c. 428-347 B.C.) is one of the most important figures of the Ancient Greek world and the entire history of Western thought. In his written dialogues he conveyed and expanded on the ideas and techniques of his teacher Socrates. Image courtesy

Plato, student of Socrates, penned his philosophical treatise, the first in the world, contemporary to the Old Testament in the Bible, in his chaste Greek language around 380 BC. Many of the concepts were new to me and I am trying to understand and assimilate them to my thought process. The concept of city states and their armies, medical profession, the equality of the sexes or what is expected of each sex, duties of politicians and administrators,  respect for elders, teaching youngsters gymnastics and music to make them learned and cultured were some interesting concepts discussed in the book. 

The art of fighting in battles, the classification of society into farmers, traders and warriors was interesting to read. The concept of slavery that existed then and of freedom is also penned by Plato. It was not clear whether Plato supported slavery or not. How can a man be just or unjust in his approach made interesting reading. 

Plato was was fortunate enough to be born into a rich family, got good  education under Socrates on knowledge that existed at that time. Towards the end of the book Plato talks of various forms of governance like Aristocracy, Timocracy (only property owners tend to take part in government), Oligarchy, Democracy, Autocracy etc. While reading I could relate his writing and thinking to the present day society.  He speaks how in society oligarchs exist, like Putin of Russia and tyrants like Kim Jong Un of North Korea, 2400 years back itself, and we see such people in present day society.
What really surprised me was the very last paragraph of the book where Plato talks of the heavenly way, to be just and of virtue. He agrees the soul is immortal and can endure all forms of goodness and evil. He exhorts all of us to love one another and also respect and love the God who guides over us all.

This writing is my humble, inexperienced, naive analysis and an earnest and sincere attempt to understand and interpret a great philosophical work written 2400 years back. I am too small to interpret and comment on the writing of Plato, but would love to accept the realities of the time and give my very immature comments to the practices of the time.


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