Tuesday, November 29, 2022

How I benefit from Google AI ..

According to Britannica, artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience.

As an early user of Amazon AI through Alexa, I have been enjoying the privileges of  using AI for songs and entertainment, news etc from end 2017 and now  have of late started using it in my professional work. Google AI is helping me in this.

How Gogle AI is helping me

1. While preparing quiz and noting text, I use the Google AI  program to convert speech to text

2. The speech converted text has some grammatical mistakes, Google AI points it out to me underlining the same in red

3. The speech converted text can have some spelling mistakes too, Google AI points it out to me underlining it in red

4. To get a broad understanding I also access, the section titled, People also ask. This is the Google AI contribution to related aspects of the search I have made. It gives me a 360 degree understanding of the idea / concept in mind and what questions people have asked Google over the past many years and what was the closes answer Google could provide to those questions. 

The Google AI gives me great inputs to prepare lot of the quizzes I give to the students, app 15 to 20 in each subject during a semester, both in Moodle and the quizzing platform quizizz.com. The conceptual clarity given by quizzes makes it a great teaching pedagogy style.

Over the next couple of years, I am sure AI would have entered more aspects of human interaction and learning and we look forward to it.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Aravind way ..

We are all aware of the Toyota way which explains to the world the spirit and enterprise behind the Toyota Motor Company, how they operate and how Toyota has come to be the global leader in four wheeler transportation. Toyota Way's 14 principles are given here. 

If one has to speak in brief about the Toyota Way, it is all about doing things right the first time and continuous improvement. Respect for people and responding to the market needs through a pull system of production adds to the great impact Toyota has over the years had on the global manufacturing system. 

Automobile manufacturing being the largest manufacturing operation in the world, naturally the largest global automobile manufacturer becomes the world's largest manufacturer.

Recently during a visit to the world's largest eye care facility, I happened to come across the Aravind way.The seven points of the Aravind way are given below.

  1. Making eye-care accessible to all
  2. Incorporate quality and continuous improvement
  3. Patient-centricity and compassion
  4. Self-reliance / finding a way
  5. Frugality
  6. Staff centricity
  7. Sharing

7 Principles of Aravind way ..
Explaining the Aravind Way in simple terms , it hovers around the concept of compassion and the urge to avoid needless blindness. By closing our eyes for just five minutes, we find how difficult it is to live. All other physical disabilities give you discomfort , one still enjoys the world around, but blindness kills your spirit to survive.

In  our visit to Aravind eye care headquarters hospital in Madurai, what we felt striking was the compassion and altruism, the unselfish desire to do good to society. 

All activities at Aravind were centered around the patient. The extreme patient centricity be it in the way patients are registered or in the way they are taken around the facility for testing and treatment, there was utmost care and concern, irrespective of whether the patient was paid or unpaid. 

Toyota speaks of value added activity and plotting the value stream. Any activity that does not add value adds to the cost.  Similarly the mindset in Aravind has been to avoid all non-value adding activities - frugality. Frugality was observed in the way the hospital was arranged, the bare essentials were always available, but not the extra luxury or comforts. The entire Madurai hospital was air-conditioned, to enable patient comfort, especially during the summer months in Madurai where the temperatures could go very high around 40deg centigrade.

Because of the Aravind facility, patients in Tamil Nadu and nearby states like Andhra, a new facility has been opened in Tirupathi, Andhra lately, eye care has become accessible to everyone. 

Finding a local solution to all eye care related problems and developing the self reliant mindset has enabled the Aravind system to innovate itself and be a self reliant model to the whole world.

Not discriminating between the paying and free patient and be able to give almost 50% of all surgeries for free to the needy patients speaks volumes of the sharing mindset the Aravind system espouses to the whole world.

Hoping they are able to continue doing the great service to humanity and be able to spread to other parts of India and the world in the near future.

Like the Toyota Way, Aravind way also speaks of Continuous Improvement, that hidden urge withing oneself to continue to serve better the society around oneself and to bring in better and useful innovations to the needy patients.

Toyota speaks of giving respect to people, the employees of Toyota, Similarly Aravind system respects the staff who are engaged in the process, medical and admin. While talking to the staff we could see the contentment they carried of the system that reflected in their actions, speech and the way they conducted themselves. 

Wishing the Aravind system grow and prosper to great heights and be of great service to society.


Feline visitors in IITB campus ..

Feline visitor frequency has increased in Indian Institute of technology Powai Mumbai  campus of late, why ?
Thanks to indiatimes

When we were there late 1990s, there used to be a notice on all campus and hostel notice boards, internet was not that popular then, of a new feline visitor on campus and to exercise precaution. More security guards used to be deployed across the campus, near swimming pool, near isolated roads etc. 

Both the times I have seen only captured leopards, not wandering ones, inside cage, was in the forest in front of the swimming pool. The captured leopards used to feel fearful and within couple of hours they were released back into the forest behind the campus, the Sanjay Gandhi national park. Recollecting good memories    
It is natural action for forest officials to release deer and bovines into the forests to provide food for the leopards. The scarcity of these animals is what is forcing the leopards to come to human habited places in search of food and meat.

Hope these felines and humans are able to co-exist in the IITB campus in peace and harmony.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Elon Musk on the threat of Artificial intelligence..

The other day I was listening to Elon Musk talking on the threat AI poses to humanity. Please click here to listen to the interview.

Born in June 1971, at 51 years, we know Elon Musk is no doubt, the greatest tech-preneur on planet earth now. With more real life experience than any living human being on global finance, cutting edge technology in EV, space systems, Internet technology, mass communication and social media, with the courage to experiment, experience extreme success and cross depths of despair and failure, his words carry a lot of weight. 

Being more daring than anyone living, he has been through the peaks of intellectual brilliance and depths of commercial failure. Indeed his words carry lot of weight. According to him, Artificial intelligence is the greatest existential threat to human civilisation. 

Musk feels Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is more dangerous than artificial narrow intelligence, like in cars or in medical field, he feels artificial intelligence if allowed to grow irresponsibly, without regulations and oversight is a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear weapons. 

Agreeing fully with Elon Musk, I feel we definitely need global monitoring systems and regulations to oversee research and developments in this area like we have in the area of nuclear weapons. 

Can the world think of an agency like Global Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Agency (GAIMA) that can guide and direct the research and innovations in AI globally ?


Monday, November 21, 2022

Competitive Strategy - Michael Porter

Started reading this book by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter in preparation for the new subject of Competition and Strategy for executive PGDM students coming very soon .. 
Taken aback by Porter's  deep knowledge and writing of competitive business strategy and factors responsible for success of business..

The book is totally from a business perspective on the different factors for successful business strategy formulation and execution. 

Very little mention, at least till end of chapter 1, on customer satisfaction or contribution of technology to the success of industrial revolution. 

Looking forward to more surprises while reading the book..


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Visit to Aravind eyecare, Madurai Nov 22

With Dr. Kim, second from left, seating
After about 6 months of communication, planning etc, the MBA students and faculty of Alliance school of business Bangalore spent a busy 2 days visiting Aravind Madurai on 17 and 18th November 2022. We are back at our Bangalore campus and the 28 students from BBA, MBA sem1 and sem3 are back in hostels etc.

Madurai is an ancient temple town in South India on the banks of Vaigai river with a history that could be traced two thousand five hundred years back to the times when Ashoka ruled parts of India, and Homer, Greek philosophers and mathematicians were busy laying the foundations of the western civilisation.  Even Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu does not have a history of more than three hundred and eighty years. 

The students learned a lot in this visit to Madurai. Prof. Ananth was a great help in our interactions with the employees and public in Madurai. Thanks a lot to Aravind for the terrific care and professional approach. Everything at Aravind went according to clockwork precision and that speaks why Aravind is world-class.

An engrossed and  captivated audience
Great hospitality, practical exposure to the hospital operations and great knowledge transfer was evident. We will treasure this visit throughout our lives. The following points are worth noting.
We really appreciate the way Aravind planned this visit by our business school and how they executed it with precision and finesse. Though we reached our Guest house rooms at 3 AM in the morning of 18 Nov, we immediately settled in our rooms, which were very clean, neat, quite spacious and available at very reasonable rates. Right from the word go, it was professionalism in the conduct of the session from 9 am on 18 November. Parallel to our session, there was another session, a 3 day workshop that was also being organised for health workers in another part of the building.

Inside the Madurai Meenakshi temple ..
Upto 11 am, we had interesting talks with the senior leaders of Aravind and immediately after coffee, we were divided into 4 groups and taken around the free and paying facility of the hospital. We were given a theme and had to move around the hospital  in the registration, paid and unpaid sections, paediatric section and the different departments to observe and make points for the post lunch discussions and presentation from 2 to 4 pm.

Management  Information Systems were implemented in Aravind in the early 90s. They were far ahead of the competition in data analysis. The in-house planning for the daily out patient consultation and surgeries for two months in advance at Aravind, enabled by excellent forecasting is a great help and support for Aravind planners, to plan for how many doctors to have each day in the OP division.
A good thing we observed at Aravind is the absence of an appointment booking system. In my visits to the country's second top medical college, CMC Vellore, the patient bookings are done at least 2 -3 months in advance. Any emergency patient has to beg, plead and make his or her way through the hospital bureaucracy to get to see the top doctors at other major hospitals. That is not the case at Aravind. Any patient who is in need of medical help, be he influential or not, can come to the hospital anytime between 8 and 6 pm on any day and he will be seen, irrespective of whether the doctors are busy or there are excessive patients and so on. The doctors take it as their bounden duty to attend to any needy patient whenever he/she arrives at the facility for help, even outside the office hours. This is a great step to ensure accessibility and reach even to the very poor and dispossessed in the society.
Inspiration Hostel, where we stayed
Another interesting observation we made was any person could go to either the paid or free sections at his will. Though the physical facilities at the free section are having less of frills, the doctors kept assuring us that the quality of the medical care that was administered to the patients at both the facilities was the exact same. One should not be surprised to find a patient arriving in a car and then joining the queue at the free counter or a poor patient coming and joining the paid counter. 
The story going around tells how the former Indian President, APJ Abdul Kalam when he came to Aravind in his younger days took the great Aravind medical care as a free patient and felt the warmth and professionalism of the Aravind system then.   

7 Principles of Aravind way ..
The other positive point we noticed was the very less throughput time for a patient to walk through the entire system for treatment. Though the patient screening and processing system was world class and very strictly adhered to,  to prevent the issue of patients getting lost or being delayed,  the patients were tagged to a guide, (who is a trained less skilled medical professional) to each patient in the paid section and to 3-4 patients in the free section. This saw that the throughput time for a patient who come to the hospital, register, meet the doctors, get medical advice and leave the system in about three to four hours, all this without the patient appointment system. A clear demonstration of the patient-centric (customer-centric) approach of Aravind. Jeff Bezos of Amazon would definitely have great takeaways from a visit here.
The other major point to be noted is the openness at Aravind. They have the best global systems in place and invite their competition from around the country and the world to come and see their facility and help improve service delivery to the patients. Over 46 years from the start in 1976, we feel,  Aravind never had any great competitor. Though it would be unfair to say, Aravind is its own competition as the ecosystem has not grown professional enough to catch up with the Aravind system, anywhere in the world. Empathy and compassion with the poor and an undeviating commitment to eliminate unwanted blindness from the earth is what drives the Aravind system to such exemplary levels of dedication and accomplishment. 

Dr. G. Venkataswamy, guiding light of Aravind
To see on a daily average 2500 outpatients and to carry out daily about a thousand surgeries in the paid and free sections, is not a small thing for any hospital. Aravind has mastered the famous assembly line, first propounded by the Ford Motor company, for carrying out the surgeries which reduces the theoretical time to carry out a surgery to about 4.5 minutes. The doctors are motivated to carry more and more of their skilled surgical practice than doing any of the less skilled activities like taking the patient vitals etc. They are thus able to improve the productive time for each doctor, improve his/her out by doing things to large volumes. 
The hospital, in spite of doing all such free service, generates returns at 35% EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortization) by carrying out tasks at large scale. Last year even being a Covid year they carried out a lakh surgeries. After August of this year the numbers have all picked up as Covid fears have died down.

The inspiration behind Aravind is of compassion, empathy, non-exploitation and not sidelining the less fortunate or dispossessed in society, the principles espoused by the founder Dr. G. Venkataswamy in 1976. The whole story of Aravind is of bringing the sidelined to the mainstream .

The visit has deeply touched our hearts the way Aravind with empathy and without any exploitation is helping the needy sections of the society, the way it is trying to change lives and livelihoods for the blind across the world, from the present global 3% impact to 10% very soon. 
The simple man from the village ..
Dr. Kim, the medical director, gave an interesting session, very lively, interactive and highly informative. A big thanks Sir. He gave a very balanced view of the vision and mission of the hospital in the winding address. His balanced presentation and interaction was very timely, highly impressive and informative. 

It was heartening to understand that Google was collaborating with Aravind to perfect the Google lenses to help the partial and totally blind patients. Google collaboration to use AI based algorithms to detect the early onset of diabetic retinopathy is another great research work happening at Aravind. Click here for a 2018 Hindu report.  
Among other global accolades, Aravind is a winner of the 2008 Gates Award for Global Health, The António Champalimaud Vision Award in 2007, and the Conrad Hilton Humanitarian Prize in 2010. Click here for part 1 and part 2 of a write up on Aravind that shows how Aravind embarked on digital transformation and innovation much before competitiors had even heard of it.
In short, the learning was multi-dimensional and far-reaching. Aravind is the world's biggest business case for compassion. The students managed a visit to the Meenakshi temple in the evening after the visit before boarding the bus at 11 pm for our return journey to Bangalore.

Class discussion on Tata Nano failure ..

Yesterday in the MBA sem 2 Innovation class, I discussed the case study on Tata Nano, why it failed in the Indian market. This is a copy of ...

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