Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Reservation in Industry ??

The PM had a week back anounced at a CII meeting that the industry also needs to share the load of social responsibility towards the backward sections of the society along with the government.

A day later Azim Premji of Wipro told that there is no place for reservation in his company and that reservation can only blunt the cutting edge in innovative employment practices and technological innovations the indian private sector industry is enjoying presently.

The government still feels that the private sector should also be partakers to the social upliftment policies for the backward classes which it is pursuing vigorously all these years since independence. Has these reservation policies brought any improvement to the really backward sections of the society or only to the affluent and powerful from among the backward classes which is apportioning to itself all the benefits? The really backward thus continue to remain backward, whatever policies the government pursues.

There is also an opinion that the industry needs to fund primary education to a greater extent. Already the Premji foundation of WIPRO is doing that, What the govt is asking now is getting an assurance from the industry that it will have an affirmative plan of action in place to accomodate the weaker sections of the society, keeping it's commitment to competency and excellence in mind.

The ball is in industry's court which needs to respond to the government proposal positively. Need to wait. Meanwhile the debates going on will help clear up all the confusion regading the reservation policies in the government, it's implementation and followup.

Instead of trying to end reservations in a phased manner, the government is looking to globalise it by extending it to more sections and to more departments. This will definitely affect the competitive edge of Indian industry.


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