Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gujarat and Bilkis Bano ..

One in 2000 gets justice - Bilkis Bano .. Will the other 1999 be protected by Gujarat ??

It finally took the high court in Maharashtra under the orders of the Supreme court of the country to try the case relating to the gang rape of Bilkis Bano and murder of her relatives , which happened in Gujarat, and convict them. In all about eleven people protected by the Gujarat government and police were convicted. First  time in the history of Indian judiciary was such a conviction happening..

A shame on how state courts should functon .. It is clearly understood how  even the judiciary of the state of Gujarat has been pressured to doctor the documents, witnesses and admnistration of justice with regard to cases relating to the human genocide and rape of fellow Indians in Gujarat in February - March 2002 ..

A shame for the people of the land of Gandhiji and for the political party which is driving all this mass frenzy in the name of majoritarianism and fundamentalism. Let no other state of India have this demeaning fate ever ..Let no other state in India indulge in trading in justice in this shocking manner

The courage of this illiterate woman from Randhanpur village in Gujarat to persistently follow the case and to get the conviction of her rapists after six long years is indeed great and amazing ... !! The travails continue for the other 1999.

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