Saturday, January 26, 2008

What constitutes effective class participation for evaluation purpose... ?

What is the importance of class participation and how is it going to be helpful to you in the long run ??

Most managers are often found to spend very little time reading and even less time writing reports. Most of their interactions are verbal. This is very true for managers in operations-intensive settings and in industry in general. For this reason, the development of verbal skills is given a high priority in the course of Operations Management and Strategic Operations Management. This is especially true in XIME.

The classroom can be considered to be the laboratory in which you can test your ability to present your analyses and recommendations clearly, to convince your peers and friends of the correctness of your approach to complex problems being discussed inside the clasroom, and to illustrate your ability to achieve the desired results through the implementation of that approach. Through the many interactions we have carried out in the previous classes and by taking you through the class of Remedial English and Managerial Skills, we are more than convinced of this ability of students from XIME. Most of you are great communicators, by now.. You have to demonstrate this with the combination of the right dose of analytical bent of mind and the application of an intellectual approach to the discussion in the class. When you do this, it makes our assessment all the more easy.

Some of the criteria that we will use to judge effective class participation for grading purposes include:

  1. Is the participant a good listener?
  2. Are the points made relevant to the current discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others?
  3. Do the comments show clear evidence of appropriate and insightful analysis of the case data?
  4. Is there willingness to participate?
  5. Is there willingness to test new ideas or are all comments "safe"?
  6. Do comments clarify and highlight the important aspects of earlier ideas and lead to a clearer statement of the relevant concepts and issues?
    Is there willingness to test new ideas or are all comments "safe"?
  7. Does the student contribute overall to the learning process in the class ?
( with inputs from MIT open course ware....)

The above procedure will be followed for evaluating class participation of students in future in XIME...


1 comment:

  1. I am sure the above criteria's will definitly help every student to XIME to perform much better and continuous improvement could be seen in every individual one's it is followed...


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