Monday, February 04, 2008

Raj Thackeray never expected this .

The recent outburst by Raj Thackeray against North Indians has caused a big furore in the metropolitan city of Mumbai. Having lived in Mumbai for about six years I know that Mumbai would cease to be a major city if the people from other parts of the country were driven out of the place. The drivers, the labourers, the cooks, watchmen, the traders and even big actors like Big-B are hail from North India.

Even though Raj only had political intentions of rousing the Maratha and Hindutva emotions of the people eyeing the next year elections, he has infuriated even his friends from BJP from North India. His political future is as good as blocked unless the old man comes up with his version of interpretation of the words of Raj to save the party's face.

Havng rubbed the North Indian populaton n Mumba and all across India on the wrong side, Raj cannot expect to get  soft treatment from the media or his political friends.

A clear reflection of political immaturity, hailing the perils of dynasty politics in the country.


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