Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Lai and the saviours of the world !!

Remembering My Lai ...

Forty years back on 15-16 March, 1968, the so called glorious US troops, considered saviours bringing pece and prosperity to the world, after raping, mercilessly slaughtered about 500 villagers in th South Vietnam town of My Lai.  The villagers consisted  of mostly women, children and elderly. It was the presence of mind of a helicopter pilot Colburn, who landed his helicopter between the senseless, marauding US troops and the hapless villagers which saw the end to this massacre.

The fact that finally US hopelessly lost the war in Vietnam, six years later which it entered as a saviour is a shameful and different story.

History brings to the fore true colours of civilizations and people !!  I grew up and still vividly remember seeing these ghastly photos in the newspapers and the Life magazine around early seventies!! !!

The two photographs which shook the conscience of the world at My Lai... Villagers after being raped by the marauding, senseless US troops, minutes before being mowed down by US bullets...

George Easaw

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