Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pope expresses happiness over the Australian apology ...

The Australian apology for the ill-treatment, enslaving, over-exploitation and dispossession of land from the original owners of the land, the tribals by the foreign settlers, cannot replace the pain and sufferings of the people. The Pope, in Australia in connection with the World Youth Day, was happy about this, though justice has not been done to the tribals.

Giving back the land and adequately compensating them for all the ill-treatment they have been meted out over the years, since Captain Cook discovered the islands, is the just and equitable settlement possible.

Do the Aussies ( the descendents of the criminals, murderers and rapists deported from Europe)  or the immigrants settled from other parts of the world (out of ignorance of historical rights and wrongs), have the guts to  restore the illegitimate holdings in their possession back to the original owners of the land ???

A historical wrong cannot be 'righted' by just words alone ....


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