Sunday, September 21, 2008

Attacks on Christians .. what a shame ..!!

I know many of my friends are feeling uncomfortable reading and watching the events unfolding during the past two weeks in the country. The cultured and civilized among us will really feel ashamed. The hatred and the resultant violence being propagated by Bajrang Dal against the Christian community is continuing without any restraint.  Without any proof of conversions, churches are being targetted .. This morning on Sunday, three chiurches in bangalore have been targetted.  Famed film director Mahesh Bhat was quoted as saying that prosletysation, is not an idea imported from the West, it is very much an Indian concept and has gone out from India. Budhism was the first religion from India to spread out and prosletyse millions to its fold.

While the Indian constitution does give freedom to its citizens to practice any religion, no religion can forcefully convert people to it's fold. All religious conversions in this country starting with the Budhists and Christians have been happening with conviction than thru coercion. The question whether tribals are originally from any religion or not is still a point of contention among religious scholars.

Targetting vote bank politics and in the name of creating communal hatred among the communtities, we are witnessing these days terror attacks by mobs on religious places  and terrorist bomb attacks at other places. Mob terror or bomb terror, which is more lethal  ?? Terroris attacks from anybody needs to be condemned. It is mob terror which finally leds to bomb terror.  Thanks to our opposition party and its fanatic ideology and also to its many followers in the country...

Can this mob terrorism behind the saffron flag be classified as nationalism ?? Is that what the Sangh Parivar, the lunatic fringe of society is upto??

The sad part is that for their needs the same people who are attacking Xian institutions do not mind sending their kids or themselves to study  in Xian Institutions. ..  This is opportunism .. Bal Thackeray the old paper tiger from Mumbai is one such example ..  Hypocrites to the core !

The ordinary people who hold such feelings are not to be blamed as it is just natural given their low intelligence. The ordinary man is carried over by the speeches given by their leaders. These leaders are responsible for dividing society and creating rift among the people. It is these anti-social elements, who are the real anti social and anti-national elements..

The advisory from the Central Govt which has gone to the BJP ruled states to control such anti-social elements is enough indication that BJP is the real problem maker in the country and they are intent on creating communal tension in the country and want to divide the country on communal lines. They do not believe in the principle of unity in diversity, instead are hell bent on the concept of majoritarianism based on religion, community etc.. This fascist tendency is real dangerous and should be nipped in the bud itself. 

The Gujarat Police was so dumb is tracking the culprits behind the 2002 Genocide but was very quick to offer all support in tracking the terrorists behind the recent blasts. What an irony ?? The double standards and lack of values of these keepers of societal conscience
is just baffling..

The advisories of article 355 are a shame on the BJP govts and hope they take enough steps to rein in attacks on the Xian community who are silently suffering all the attacks, praying for good sense and reason to dawn on these communal elements.. The Xian community will only retort with love, care and compassion .. Throughout history it has been observed that Christianity has only grown from strength to strength with attacks and persecution.

India cannot tolerate such lunatic elements creating trouble when we are actually marching to 2020 domination of the world with China. The country needs to rein them ..

The demand from political parties to declare article 356 ( President's rule ) in Karnataka is just an indication of the bad publicity these elements have managed for the majority community.

Attacking a peaceful community does not bade well for the majority community. It is not part of our great culture ...

george ,,

1 comment:

  1. yes what a shame!! u hypocrite, you were attacking peaceful christians with your blogs for quite some time.the worship in kottayam was mainly pulled down by so called traditional churches rather than by sndp.christians like you who dont underdstand that god dont have no grandchildren are a menace to the world in general.


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