Friday, September 05, 2008

New Zealand - major irritant to India getting the NSG nod ..

While the Indian bureaucrats and ministers were able to clear the doubts of all major nuclear suppliers group members, as regards non-proliferation of nuclear technology, the only irritant seems to be New Zealand.

The tiny island in the South Atlantic Ocean is very concerned about India proliferating nuclear technology, while it is mum on China. No other country in the world has such an impeccable record on non-proliferation as India, even though India is not a signatory to NPT. India believes in universal non-proliferation and not selective proliferation by nuclear powers.

China, an NPT signatory, has been the biggest proliferator of nuclear technology, proving itself unworthy of nuclear cooperation by other states, having proliferated to the rogue states of Pakistan, North Korea and Iran. Fearing losing commerce with China, all major countries have kept mum. Fear is the key here ...

On the face of it, it appears, all accusations raised by the Left and BJP against the government will be proved wrong and India will get the 60,000 MW of energy it requires by 2025 AD, making it one of the fastest developing countries of the world. It is quite natural for countries to be concerned at India's growing clout..

India should stand by its commitment to the moratorium on testing nuclear bomb. It is based on this premise that the nuclear deal has been worked out. Let us not listen to the shouting which the Left and BJP is making in India as it is just pettty politics and selfish interests. They are a worried and troubled lot having been humbled by the majesty of the working parliamentary democracy, which showed these parties where they belong to in history. The are looking at ways and means to confuse the public mind, not to clear it to think positively and support a national cause. Petty opportunists ...

And also a word of gratitude to New Zealand, the little fry, for being so concerned and afraid of India's proliferation .. Does it have anything to say against China ?? Pissing in its pants eh ?


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