Sunday, November 09, 2008

War for Terrorist superiority .., exposing the fundamentalists !!

The war on terrorism is morphing and taking new dimensions these days. The war on terrorism is losing its edge as now it is the war for terrorism. Communities are vying with each other to establish who can do maximum damage on the society and innocent public through bombs and RDX. If one community is doing it only with bombs , the other has managed to do it with mobs and bombs .. A really competitive environment, makes one feel insecure and useless unless you align with one group or the other ..

While one community sources the hardware from abroad across the border, the other community sources it from our own armed forces stocks. Surprising ...!!

The communal polarisation that has happened in the Indian armed forces, starting from the time when the BJP govt assumed power, has helped in transforming a basically "apolitical " organisation into a political one. This is a matter of grave concern for all publicly spirited individuals ..

The meanness of the armed forces personnel to attempt to distort the secular nature of the constitution to serve the political needs of a lunatic fringe section of the majority community in society shows the power of propaganda and brainwashing being carried out secretly and publicly by these groups. Even the armed forces have proved that they are not immune to such low level propaganda..

The professionalism of the Indian armed forces are at stake !! The fact that the armed forces intelligence gathering mechanism is playing into the hands of these fundmentalist groups out to divide the country, with passive supporters from all over the world, is indeed shocking ..

While agreeing that having the choice and discretion to forcefully exercise majoritarian terror is the "hidden" agenda, ( how easily we forget History and the German role in precipitating the second world war), the onus is on the enlightened citizens in the society to understand this gameplan and to keep aloof from such petty politicking ...

If only the authorities take necessary action to prevent the rot setting in !!

These fundamentalist groups and their leaders, having done the damage, distancing from this rot at this stage, when things have come in the open, cannot absolve oneself of the responsibility ..


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