Thursday, October 14, 2010

An insatiable judgement on Ayodhya ?

The Ayodhya judgement has raised different responses from different quarters ..

The only sore point where the HC judgement has lacked in merit was the impression it gave that the judgement was based on faith and not on facts ..! Some politicians have reacted sharply to this.

I felt it was a soothing judgement than an adjudicating one, not what the
court is supposed to do.

Let us hope the SC will look at the matter in its entirety !

As TN CM Karunanidhi pointed out, the ASI had no problems in exactly
locating the birthplace of Ram, some 18,00,000 years old event, but
failed in locating the Chola empire, which is just 800 years

The fight is actually not between any communities, but between some
fanatic groups on either side. Else why should the Ram idols appear
mysteriously one fine morning, stolen in by somebody inside Babri
Masjid on one night in 1949 ? Just to create mischief and to rake up
an issue ?

The court did not differentiate the parties while deciding on the
judgement, one group who based their arguments on the premise of being
in possession of the land for 460 years and the other jointly in possession for the
past 60 years ..

Faith played a big role in the verdict than facts, wrecking it's
credibility ! Judges have finalised the verdict based on the potential
of the verdict to initiate violence. Fear has influenced the judges'
mind more than facts.. Isin't the judges expected to just adjudicate and not go beyond that ?

The issue is not over as yet, though the fundamentalist, fanatic Hindu
groups want to go for an "amicable" settlement based on a partial judgement from a High Court, now that they have a seemingly upper hand ? Other than the members of these fanatic
groups, nobody is interested in raking up this issue..

Let the SC finally decide !!

Read this interesting and absorbing piece from Newsweek


1 comment:

  1. As expected om 9 the May 2011, SC has nullified the HC verdict which was based more on faith than facts .. The HC verdict was indirectly pardoning the perpetrators of the Babri Masjid demolition, instead of punishing them. The SC court remarked that the HC had no authority to decide on partitioning the said disputed land and it was none of its business to partition that land. No parties asked for a partitioning of the land.


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