Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Harvard Business Review, changing to the times ..

Recently I have taken to reading beautiful, useful, informative articles in Harvard Business review. It is helping me identify trends, new knowledge and new thoughts coming up in the management field from experts from different parts of the world.

India and China was till now a neglected, or forgotten land in the articles coming up in HBR, mostly because we never had best management practices or success stories which could be shared with readers or practitioners from different parts of the world.

Of late with the emergence of the Asian juggernauts, led by China and India, HBR found it prudent to slowly shift focus from the dying and dried out places to where the action was happening. About four years back they started the South Asia edition. 

Now sharing and learning new practices has become all the more easy with the HBR SA edition, not only has the magazine become more affordable, it has also started featuring more Asian success stories or have started incorporating management issues affecting Asian companies and good management practices being practiced by these Asian companies. It makes more sense for the teaching faculty and the student community to read HBR articles as it improves their understanding of global issues with an Asian perspective, till now missing from HBR.

I wish more readers take to HBR SA in the coming days !!


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